Reduce Mouth Odor in Early Days

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

There are times when our bodies are not in tiptop condition, such as after durian party (and forgot to brush our teeth at night), we will certainly mouth smelled like really not pleasant in the morning. Although you and your husband had been married 10 years and each received their respective shortcomings, the smell of waking up would be very disturbing. The husband may not comment, but he suddenly turn off even if you look really tempting morning.

A thousand questions raced in his head:
What was eaten by my wife last night? Bad breath in the morning caused by the accumulation of microorganisms on the tongue, teeth, gums, and throat that are not cleaned. Microorganisms are invaded by bacteria that exist in proteins and release the waste product that smells. This process accelerated during our sleep, because there are no new saliva produced.

Why bad breath happens?
  1. Your saliva flow is so slow, even stop. This means there is no retaining bacteria, only a little oxygen that comes in, there was almost no movement of the tongue. All this became the signal for bacteria to start farming. During the night sleep, you produce two generations of new bacteria following their waste products called Volatile Sulfur Compounds.
  2. Mucus in the nose to thicken. When this happens, mucus can be attached firmly to the wall hard in the nose and released. Nasal mucus has a high protein content, and a source of delicious food for oral bacteria.
  3. Your tongue is almost bent in the back of the throat. This makes the rear surface of the tongue to explore with ease. That's why when you wake up in the morning, the smell of your mouth just could not rotten or sour, but also revealed a white or yellow coating on the tongue. Color layers depends on the level of spiciness and the amount of sulfur produced.
How to prevent bad breath in the morning?
  1. To be sure, you brush your teeth carefully. Try brushing your teeth once finished eating. After brushing your teeth, do not drink tea, coffee, or milk, because it will stick to your teeth.
  2. For smokers, drink a glass of water before smoking. Then rinse with water after smoking. If there are leftovers that are not lifted by a toothbrush, remove with dental floss.
  3. Brush your tongue with a tongue cleaner or a toothbrush to get rid of bacteria and keep breath fresh.
  4. Make sure you are eating enough at night, and drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration. An empty stomach also makes halitosis in the morning.
  5. Before bed, wash your mouth with mouthwash (of course following toothbrushing). It is important to reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth before going to bed. Anyone who has problems of dry mouth or nose problems need to pay attention to this. Use a nasal spray drug from the pharmacy to clear mucus.


Excess Soda Trigger Pancreatic Cancer

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Impact health of soft
drinks again proved. A recent study showed excessive soda drinking increased the risk of pancreatic cancer nearly doubled.

Research carried out the Cancer Control Program at Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC, United States show for those who drank soda at least two times a week, 87 per cent more at risk of experiencing a fatal pancreatic cancer than those who rarely consume sodas.

"People who drink two times or more soft drinks per week had an increased risk of 87 percent or almost twice the risk of pancreatic cancer compared with individuals who do not consume soft drinks," said the study's lead author, Noel T Mueller MPH, a researcher at The Cancer Control Program at Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC, United States, as quoted by WebMD.

The study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, a scientific journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. Soda companies reacted about this result. They stated that research directly disclose defects and other research that found that there was no link between soda consumption and pancreatic cancer.

In this study, Mueller and his colleagues conduct ongoing evaluation for 14 years on 60,524 men and women enrolled in the Singapore Chinese Health Study. The study began in 1993 when researchers noted what they eat and whether it will suffer from cancer.
The researchers asked the participants to tell him what he ate, including soft drinks and fruit juices. However, Mueller said, researchers did not ask specifically about their dietary consumption, but most of them drank regular soda.

In Singapore at that time, Mueller explained, looking very little intake of soda in the community. "We followed the participants for 14 years. And each time a different record the cancer, "he said. The result, researchers recorded 140 cases occurred pancreatic cancer and began to look back to see if anything to do with the consumption of soda or fruit juice.

The researchers divided consumption of soda and juice into three categories, ie not drink at all, less than two times per week and two times or more a week. In conclusion, those who drank soda two times or more in a week of five-year-old ratarata a 87 percent increased risk of pancreatic cancer.

However, it was found that there was no relationship between fruit juice consumption and the risk of pancreatic cancer. So why soda can relate? He admitted it needs to be studied further. "However, what we believe is the sugar in soft drinks can increase insulin levels in the body, which we consider to contribute to the growth of pancreatic cancer cells. Increased insulin may lead to cancer development, "said Mueller.

Even so, the researchers believe the risk of pancreatic cancer increases if other factors, such as advanced age, smoking, diabetes, and body mass index is associated with obesity. Pancreatic cancer risk increases as you age.

With this result, the soft drinks industry immediately launched a protest. "This study has many weaknesses in it," said Richard Adamson, PhD, scientific consultant of the American Beverage Association in Washington, DC, United States. For example, according to Adamson, his little case of pancreatic cancer experienced by participants. He showed the 140 cases, 110 of these people do not drink soda at all, while the other 12 people eat less than twice a week and another 18 two times or more servings a week.

"This means that only a small number of cases of pancreatic cancer compared with the population studied," he said. Other studies also, he added, did not find the relationship between soda and pancreatic cancer. The American Beverage Association points to a study in 2008 which found no such relationship. The study also only focused on the consumption of soft drinks, but did not see the overall dietary pattern. "You can be a healthy person and enjoy soft drinks without feeling anxious," Adamson added.

Susan Mayne, PhD, Director of Yale Cancer Center and professor of epidemiology at Yale School of Public Health, say, the results of the study is "interesting" because of small cases that found that does not prove direct causality. In fact, he included members of the editorial board of the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. This study itself was funded the National Cancer Institute.

Colonel Laurence N MD, PhD, a researcher at the Cancer Research Center and professor of public health at the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, said although the new study has limitations, but these findings relate to previous research. He and rekanrekannya mention there is a relationship between added sugars in foods and the risk of pancreatic cancer. The results of this study was published in 2007. "In our study, found a positive relationship between high intake of fructose and pancreatic cancer," he said. "Since highfructose corn syrup is the main sweetener of non-diet soft drinks, our findings and the latest study is quite consistent," he said.

Pancreatic cancer is one of the 11 types of cancer most common in the UK. In the United States, according to the American Cancer Society, in 2009 about 42,000 people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and 35,240 of them died. This cancer claimed claimed 7700 lives every year.

The life expectancy of people with only 19 per cent per year. Of 100 people, patients who lived only 19 people. Meanwhile, who has a life expectancy over 5 years is only 4 percent. Hollywood actor Patrick Swayze and tenor Luciano Pavarotti is famous patient who died of pancreatic cancer.


How to Reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Breast cancer is still a terrible scourge for women. Imagine, in the United States alone, the possibility of women affected by this deadly disease of 1:9. Genes and age is still a major factor that haunt. Yet there are several ways that can be done to reduce the risk of this disease.

Weight Watch
If you want to protect the breast, pay careful attention to your body weight. Overweight or obese can increase the risk of breast cancer, especially if the weight loss increases after menopause. Based on the study, women who are obese after menopause, breast cancer risk by 50 percent. Women who store fat around the waist also have a higher risk than those who kept it in the hips or thighs.

Start exercising! This way still be an effective way for preventing diseases. Based on the study, women who exercise regularly as likely to get breast cancer less than 20 percent less. Still not too much. Make sure your heart rate does not increase sharply.

Avoid Alcohol
Live without alcohol because it enlarged the possibility of someone suffering from breast cancer. The more you consume, the greater the risk. Those in the mid-level or not too addicted, the possibility of breast cancer by 35 percent. While heavy addicts doubled the risk.

Avoid hormone therapy
Hormones Replacement Therapy (HRT) in relation to the cause of breast cancer can be compared with severe obesity or alcohol addicts. Research Woman `s Health Initiative showed that combined use of female hormones estrogen and progesterone in five years the risk is 28 percent higher breast cancer.

Soybean Consumption
Women who consume soy regularly, not only in the form of supplements, can reduce the risk of breast cancer. This was demonstrated in a study, as many as 73 thousand Chinese women who eat lots of soy may reduce breast cancer risk by 60 percent compared to consume less.

Do not Forget the Vegetables and Fruits
Eat always vegetables and fruits. Recent research found women who had been diagnosed and were undergoing breast cancer treatment, new tumor growth could be reduced due to eating more fruits and vegetables.

Drink Green Tea
Many years of research conducted on the effects of coffee and tea on breast cancer. Recent studies of more than 2,000 Chinese women showed that breast cancer can be reduced by drinking green tea. Other studies found coffee can reduce the risk of premenopausal at 40 percent by drinking four cups a day.

Stop Smoking
Are you active smoker? So stop. Also avoid exposure to secondhand smoke. Indeed, until now researchers have not found an association between breast cancer and smoking. But the latest research from the California Environmental Protection Agency found 20 percent risk of breast cancer for active smokers. While second-hand smoke by 70 percent.


Maintaining Weight Loss

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

There are several ways to reduce n maintain weight. No need to suffer to starve. If you are able to control the amount of calories into the body, you not only can still eat well but also gradually losing weight.How? Take the concept of a diet that avoids variation 'energy dense foods', that is by consuming a variety of low-calorie foods on a regular basis.

Any food is basically a number of calories varies. Small food such as candy and trivial example, actually has a large calories than a bowl full of fruit.

This means that, although a small but great candy has calories, or energy intensive, thus increasing the weight. In contrast to the vegetables or fruits that are low energy density, so no problem if consumed in large quantities.

There are two factors that plays an important role, whether the food has a low calorie or high :

1. Water
Fruits and vegetables have an average high water content, so the portion of the calories in fruit or vegetable is low. For example 90 percent of the wine and water seporsinya form contains only 39 calories, as well as the carrot that contains 88 percent water and 52 calories if the juice.

2. Fiber
High-fiber foods such as vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, not only requires a lot of servings, but also takes longer to digest. So that it can make you feel full longer.

Options Low Calorie Foods
To switch to a low-calorie diet is difficult, but for those who are interested in doing this diet, here are some low-calorie food choices :

- Expand to eat vegetables. Almost all green vegetables, asparagus, beans, broccoli and zucchini (sukini) low caloric content, which is about 25 calories per serving. But for maize, sweet potatoes and pumpkin, more calories, which is about 70 calories per serving half portions.

- Fruits of the best. All kinds of fruit suitable to be a healthy diet menus, for both fresh fruit, frozen or unsweetened canned fruit contains 60 calories in one serving. But dried fruit like raisins, contains natural sugar so higher caloric content.

- Low Carbohydrate calories. Food types of carbohydrates are cereals, rice, wheat and pasta. For low-calorie diet, you should choose which is made from whole grains (whole grains), such as wheat bread, whole wheat pasta, oatmeal, brown rice and cereal grains.

- Protein / Milk. Proteins there are two, namely vegetable and animal. The best option is to contain low-fat and calories, such as nuts. Besides tempe and tofu, you can also eat fish, skinless poultry, low-fat milk and egg white.

How to Make Low-Calorie Diet
A healthy diet is focused on the consumption of fruits, vegetables and grains. For those of you who love eating chocolate or ice cream, do not need to grieve. Occasionally you can still consume them, provided reduced portions. Low-calorie diet so that you are successful, there are several ways you can do :
A. Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables
Add strawberries, mango or other fruit on your cereal at breakfast. Substitute vegetable sauce or pasta with tomato sauce, essentially replace the meat with vegetables.
B. Experimented with a variety of food combinations
You can replace meat or eggs with slices of mango or tomato in a toast, or with honey or peanut butter. It could also make a salad of mandarin oranges and peaches can also be an alternative, combine it until you find the taste.
C. Soups, salads and foods with gravy
For lunch or evening, choose foods and fat-free berkuah. For example soup or a serving of fat-free salad big. Or consumption of a portion of vegetables and whole grains with protein sediki. Foods like these will make you full faster.

By consuming large portions of low-calorie foods, you will be able to overcome hunger in the long term. Perform regular basis, so you will be comfortable and familiar with this healthy eating pattern.


White Spots On Nails

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The average person who saw a white spot on the nail to say that the white spots are caused by the zinc levels are very low in the body or lack of calcium. if you ask people around, you'll get a lot more interesting opinions, such as "too much calcium", "formation of structural proteins that are less precise in the body", "distressed cuticles too strong", "lack glands aktifan circulation", and dehydration nails. Still others say is a result of kidney disease, allergies, fungal infections, changes in hormone levels, fasting, colds and viral infections. Even the most popular explanation is that too little zinc and is just as wrong as the other explanations.

Many animals protect her toes with claws, the nails long and sharp curve, or hard soles, which is often useful as a weapon. Similar to those of humans and other two-legged animals, the skin layer of the nail on the horns of any fingers or toes. Nails protect the tips of your fingers or toes, helping adan take small objects and can be used as a weapon to scratching.

Although seemingly simple nail, the nail has not been understood, even to this day. Nail mostly made of protein called keratin. On average, fingernails grow long, 1 mm every 10 days. Long nails faster in the summer and there are slower winter, long faster in active adults and more slowly at a very young and very old.

All nail growth occurs at the base, within the nail matrix. In the nail matrix is always generated new cells and the cells grow, they form a true nail (nail plate) toward the front to the tip of fingers or toes.

Nail matrix metabolism is very active, and sensitive to changes in your health. Your nails can reflect aspects of different health by becoming thinner or thicker, broken or grooved. If you suffer from stress or fever, your nails will be very slow growing, and will appear horizontal grooves on your nails. This is called the line "beau". On the other hand, the nail biter should know that their bad habits actually accelerate the growth of nails. Some diseases of the lungs and the heart can change shape so that the tip of a finger nail looks like a small stick.

And what about the white dots (punctate leuconychia) on your nails? According to the dermatologist, the white point has nothing to do with levels of zinc. Usually this is caused minor damage to the matrix that forms the nail. The people who try to sell the zinc supplement to misdiagnosis.


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