Fast Food Danger
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Actually it's a lifestyle much different from days of old, now all versatile instant diet was to receive the effects. And can you find a lot of fast food are mushrooming in the city - a big city and is always crowded with visitors, especially young subjects.
Just how dangerous and how that can benefit from eating fast food and preserved foods? ...
HealthDaysNews news site recently declared this year in the United States (U.S.) there are only 57,000 people had died of colon cancer. The majority (97 percent) of sufferers are those aged over 40 years. In Indonesia, the patient has not been detected with certainty. But Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta declared each year receive 50 new patients with cancer of the colon.
So great a risk of colon cancer is more lurking, until the month of March in the U.S. designated as the month of awareness of colon cancer. This is due to increasing number of people in the U.S. who eat fast food that in fact has a very low in fiber. To those who already have symptoms of colon cancer, are required to eat lots of vegetables, fruit and iron. "But the most important thing is to discipline them," said Dr. David A. Johnson, head of gastrieoterologi at Eastern Virginia School of Medicine.
Who are the potential of colon cancer? Of course, they most often eat fatty foods as presented in a fast-food restaurant. Fatty foods like hamburgers, fried chicken, fries, and the like will only slow the transit time of food. Carcinogenic substances contained in the food will last a long time to settle in the intestinal wall that trigger the growth of cancer there.
Research on the relationship between fiber konsurnsi with colon cancer prevention being implemented in many countries. Recent findings in 2003 in Europe, noted that the increase in fiber consumption in the European community of up to 30 grams per day from the previous only 15 grams per day, is proven to reduce the risk of colon cancer formation by 40 percent.
Early Detection
The best step is, at the age between 30-40 years of starting went to the doctor. This is useful for early detection of colon cancer growth. This cancer symptoms almost similar to diarrhea, which is the blood in the stool. Symptoms include pale end, pain in general, malnutrition, weak, thin, place the fluid in the abdominal cavity, liver enlargement, and enlargement of the spleen channel.
If it is found that signs your doctor will take action in the form kolonoskopu, sigmoidoscopy or blood tests. Colonoscopy is a procedure to enter the long camera tube into the colon through the anal canal. From this it can be seen clearly which parts of which already have cancer. While sigmoidoscopy is a procedure similar to limited monitor section called the sigmoid colon.
Rather than have to follow the procedure "gruesome" as above, we should not get used to eating healthy? Actually it's easy, the key word is food fiber. Eat lots of fiber benefits. Fiber is part of the plant could not be absorbed completely, thus adding to the mass of feces. This will trigger the movement of feces in the intestine, which would cause bowel movement regularity.
Eat foods with lots of fiber, the bowel schedule will be more regular. Defecate regularly will shorten the duration of feces in the intestine, thus minimize the absorption of harmful substances by the gut wall. This will reduce the chances of getting colon cancer later in life. Fiber can be obtained from rice, vegetables, brown rice, wheat, peanuts, popcorn, and of course from vegetables and fruits. Of course, all food is much cheaper than the price of food at fast-food restaurant.
Shall you to intend to have lunch with your closest people in the fast-food restaurant this week?
Just how dangerous and how that can benefit from eating fast food and preserved foods? ...
HealthDaysNews news site recently declared this year in the United States (U.S.) there are only 57,000 people had died of colon cancer. The majority (97 percent) of sufferers are those aged over 40 years. In Indonesia, the patient has not been detected with certainty. But Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta declared each year receive 50 new patients with cancer of the colon.
So great a risk of colon cancer is more lurking, until the month of March in the U.S. designated as the month of awareness of colon cancer. This is due to increasing number of people in the U.S. who eat fast food that in fact has a very low in fiber. To those who already have symptoms of colon cancer, are required to eat lots of vegetables, fruit and iron. "But the most important thing is to discipline them," said Dr. David A. Johnson, head of gastrieoterologi at Eastern Virginia School of Medicine.
Who are the potential of colon cancer? Of course, they most often eat fatty foods as presented in a fast-food restaurant. Fatty foods like hamburgers, fried chicken, fries, and the like will only slow the transit time of food. Carcinogenic substances contained in the food will last a long time to settle in the intestinal wall that trigger the growth of cancer there.
Research on the relationship between fiber konsurnsi with colon cancer prevention being implemented in many countries. Recent findings in 2003 in Europe, noted that the increase in fiber consumption in the European community of up to 30 grams per day from the previous only 15 grams per day, is proven to reduce the risk of colon cancer formation by 40 percent.
Early Detection
The best step is, at the age between 30-40 years of starting went to the doctor. This is useful for early detection of colon cancer growth. This cancer symptoms almost similar to diarrhea, which is the blood in the stool. Symptoms include pale end, pain in general, malnutrition, weak, thin, place the fluid in the abdominal cavity, liver enlargement, and enlargement of the spleen channel.
If it is found that signs your doctor will take action in the form kolonoskopu, sigmoidoscopy or blood tests. Colonoscopy is a procedure to enter the long camera tube into the colon through the anal canal. From this it can be seen clearly which parts of which already have cancer. While sigmoidoscopy is a procedure similar to limited monitor section called the sigmoid colon.
Rather than have to follow the procedure "gruesome" as above, we should not get used to eating healthy? Actually it's easy, the key word is food fiber. Eat lots of fiber benefits. Fiber is part of the plant could not be absorbed completely, thus adding to the mass of feces. This will trigger the movement of feces in the intestine, which would cause bowel movement regularity.
Eat foods with lots of fiber, the bowel schedule will be more regular. Defecate regularly will shorten the duration of feces in the intestine, thus minimize the absorption of harmful substances by the gut wall. This will reduce the chances of getting colon cancer later in life. Fiber can be obtained from rice, vegetables, brown rice, wheat, peanuts, popcorn, and of course from vegetables and fruits. Of course, all food is much cheaper than the price of food at fast-food restaurant.
Shall you to intend to have lunch with your closest people in the fast-food restaurant this week?
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